Speed Racer: Self-Powered Fitness Bike

The Speed Racer is a self-powered fitness bike designed for children’s playgrounds that keeps kids exercising while immersed in an exciting racing game.
The Speed Racer is a self-powered, environment friendly fitness bike that doesn’t require any external energy as it runs on human energy alone. Designed by Design Park Development, the Speed Racer consists of two stationary cycles and a display panel showing a virtual race course. The bike game concept is designed for use in children’s playgrounds and helps kids get a healthy dose of exercise without getting bored. It is suitable for children aged 5 to 12. The fitness bike can be installed both indoors and outdoors.
The Speed Racer was developed as a health game that maximises the effect of exercise by providing children with an exciting, immersive race game that holds their attention and keeps them pedalling all the way to the finish line. Unlike regular stationary fitness bikes, which involve a single user repeating a simple motion over and over again until he gets tired or bored, the Speed Racer bike uses a display monitor showing a virtual race course and lets two users race against each other. The thrill of competing in a race motivates kids to put more effort into the game and reap the benefits of a cardio workout without realising how much energy they are burning in the process.
Based in South Korea, Design Park Development Co.,Ltd . specialises in the development of creative, innovative fitness products and children’s play equipment consistent with the low-carbon concept. The company develops and supplies fitness solutions for parks and children’s playgrounds. Design Park’s solutions include self-powered training facilities and fitness games like the Speed Racer, the Traffic Light bike game, and the Ecopark racing game.
Watch the video to see the Speed Racer in action.