CAREN System Adds Fun and Variety to MS Physical Therapy

Motek Medical's CAREN system has introduced fun, immersive activities to multiple sclerosis patients' physical therapy programs at the Cleveland Clinic.
Motek Medical's innovative rehabilitation platform CAREN (Computer Assisted Rehabilitation Environment) has transformed physical therapy programs for Parkinson's and multiple sclerosis patients at the Cleveland Clinic in Cleveland, Ohio. The patients were introduced to the platform in September 2013 and have enjoyed the immersive experience it provides ever since.
CAREN is a multisensory virtual reality system designed to address problems with posture, balance, walking ability, spinal stability and motor control. The platform provides a simulated environment to make physical therapy programs more immersive and engaging for patients and offers interactive games and exercises to help improve specific motor actions.
CAREN has a circular platform with an integrated treadmill and a force plate to track patients' movements. The motion base can turn and move up, down, left and right, allowing patients to move freely in virtual environments. Patients wear a harness when performing exercises on the treadmill to prevent falls and remove the fear of falling. They also wear sensors that detect their movements. The CAREN platform uses 12 cameras placed around the treadmill to get a 360 degree view of the patient as he or she goes through the therapy program that plays on a large screen. Patients get instant visual feedback that helps them adjust their movements during the session. Therapists can customise the exercises and difficulty levels based on the patient’s performance.
At the same time, CAREN helps enhance the patients' engagement in the rehabilitation program. The exercise routines are more engaging with the virtual platform, with various scenarios including patients manoeuvring a boat with their hips, hitting balls with their hands, or walking through a virtual airport.
In addition to MS and Parkinson's, CAREN can treat patients with a variety of conditions, including orthopaedic and neurological disorders, back pain, sports injuries, stroke and brain injuries, and posture-related conditions. The platform was developed by Motek Medical, a Dutch company specialising in the research and development of innovative medical devices, rehabilitation tools and human performance enhancements.