Lumo Play Interactive Projector Now Tracks Children's Toys

The Lumo Play smart projector can now track children's physical toys on the interactive surface.
Lumo Play, an interactive projector developed by Lumoplay Corp., now allows children to play with their physical toys and use them to interact with the projected content on the virtual playgrounds.
Lumo is a smart projector designed to turn any child's room into an interactive virtual playground. The device can project various games and special effects on walls and floors, bringing the surfaces to life and allowing kids to play with the content using their whole bodies.
Lumo uses PO-Motion software to project content on floors and walls, and create an immersive, physically engaging play environment for children. The projector promotes active play, learning, and creativity, allowing kids to create their own effects and games. Lumo was one of the innovative solutions featured at the 2015 International CES, held in Las Vegas in January.