LightJumper Tests Speed, Strategy and Coordination on the Trampoline

LightJumper is an interactive game that uses LED light bracelets and anklets to immerse users in fun gameplay while they are jumping on a trampoline.
LightJumper, an interactive game developed for trampolines, uses bracelets and anklets with LED lights and an integrated image recognition system to engage users in dynamic onscreen content and turn their arms and legs into game controllers. Developed by the Spanish company CTRLight, LightJumper is installed on trampoline platforms to provide users with compelling interactive scenes and gaming content to make their workouts more challenging and fun. The bracelets and anklets allow users to interact with various game elements by selecting, catching or avoiding them.
LightJumper challenges players to score as many points as they can while the game displayed on the screen increases in difficulty. The score depends on the players' speed, strategy, endurance and coordination. The gaming platform itself has two menus that players can navigate – the games menu and the menu with different levels of difficulty – and the five games available with it (Fight, Forms, Insane, Bang, Jump) have different objectives, require different game strategies and pose different types of physical challenge.
The simplest of the five games, Jump, requires players to catch a green piece on the screen while avoiding the moving red pieces. Fight challenges them to touch a blue element to transform red pieces into blue ones. Bang tests players' coordination by challenging them to select two yellow pieces at the same time. Forms, the most complex of the five games, uses pieces with numbers and requires players to select them in numeric order. Insane is designed for advanced players and combines elements of the other games to challenge players to perform complex movements and strategize while jumping.
The games can be played at three difficulty levels: kids, normal and pro. The basic level gives players more time to achieve the game objectives and has a height limit to allow kids to play. The normal level is similar, but does not have the height limitations, while the pro level has a shorter time limit and challenges players by displaying more pieces on the screen.
LightJumper is suitable for players aged 6 and older, with a recommended minimum height of 120 cm. Watch the video below to see the game in action.