Quick Board Offers Unparalleled Options for Sports Agility Management

The Quick Board offers a unique and unparalleled range of options for sports agility management with an intuitive program that enables coaches and therapists to train and test agility, balance, reaction time and a number of other key athletic attributes.
The Quick Board, the largest selling agility training platform, is the only technology that offers a versatile range of options for each of the three main aspects of sports agility management: training, testing and rehabilitation. A leader in its field, the platform is an advanced neurological training and assessment solution used to improve, test and recover mobility, quickness, agility, strength, reaction time, coordination, vertical jump (coming soon), stabilization and mental processing.
The technology offers a number of training advantages. By offering instant feedback to athletes, it effectively replicates game situations by requiring athletes to keep their eyes in front of them during training. Seeing the performance data while performing drills motivates athletes to push to improve their personal best scores, creating a highly engaging and competitive training environment. Unlike conventional training methods, which use verbal cues, require internal focus on the movement itself, and don’t provide real-time feedback, the Quick Board uses visual cues, shifts the user’s focus to the effect of the movement and offers instant feedback, enhancing athletes’ performance and learning of motor skills.
Developed as a more effective way to train the nervous system, the Quick Board is scientifically proven to increase agility, reaction time and quickness. A study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research (JSCR) in 2008 showed that the platform was an accurate tool for measuring reaction time and speed and that four weeks of foot speed and reaction training resulted in improvements in the Agility Change of Direction (COD) drill of -0.45 seconds, which makes a significant difference in a game situation. The intervention improved the overall agility in subjects who were active, but had not previously been agility trained.
A more recent footwear agility study using the Quick Board indicates that computerized agility training results in improvements in balance and change-of-direction independently of footwear, with moderate-to-large effects seen after only 4 to 6 weeks of training. The change-of-direction test showed a mean decrease of 1.18s, 1.32s and 1.27s for groups based on different types of footwear (barefoot, minimal shoe, shod).
The Sports Agility Management Analytics Platform, a new feature available with the Quick Board, was developed to serve as a normative database for teams and facilities and to provide customers with analytical insights into what they need in order to improve agility. The platform’s dashboard and leaderboard keep athletes motivated during training sessions and enable coaches to customize different exercises and protocols, while the injury tracking feature establishes norms for injury, allowing users to add previous injuries to an athlete’s profile for insight into any deficits. The software is also able to quickly identify any asymmetry due to dominance or injury, with the deficit shown in percentages, to help coaches make more informed decisions about return to play.
The platform provides coaches and athletes with real-time results for fast insight into the user’s performance, competitive advantage and success in recovery. The dashboard compares an athlete’s performance to his or her average and best results, as well as to the position average and position best. Additionally, the software allows users to filter the results by sport, position, gender, age, team, facility and level of experience.
The platform was developed by The Quick Board, LLC, a company specializing in creating innovative technologies and equipment for physical therapy and performance training that result in better outcomes by providing athletes and patients with biofeedback to maximize the proprioceptive benefit and challenge the nervous system. Founded in 2008, the company is dedicated to helping physical therapists, coaches, trainers and athletes improve and evaluate performance, as well as reduce injury time by providing them with objective data for tracking progress.
Watch the video below to learn more about the platform and see some of the training programs it offers.