Randori Turns Rock Climbing into an Interactive Video Game

Randori turns regular rock climbing walls into interactive, real-life video games, allowing climbers to score points and compete against each other while getting an excellent mind and body workout.
Indoor rock climbing is a versatile sport, one that combines cardio and strength training in a single physically demanding workout. It is one of the fastest growing recreational sports, and indoor climbing gyms are an increasingly popular choice among those looking to get fit and build both upper and lower body strength while also torching calories.
A new solution from Randori, a Massachusetts-based startup, now turns standard rock climbing walls into life-size video games, using augmented reality to motivate climbers to strive for points and compete while making their way to the top.
The climbing games use a projector to display numbers on the wall, allowing climbers to accumulate points, which takes their mind off the physical effort that they are putting into the workout. The games challenge climbers to a timed race to touch as many white dots projected on the wall as they can to get the top score. Climbers can use any holds that work best for them and that enable them to achieve the fastest time. They are not required to use a specific route.
Climbing has a wide range of benefits. It strengthens and builds muscles, develops stamina, increases flexibility and coordination, and challenges climbers to improve their technique and body positioning while simultaneously engaging their problem solving skills. Regular climbing can also help improve concentration, determination, self-control and overall wellbeing over time. It is suitable for all age groups and doesn't require an advanced fitness level for those looking to get started.
The climbing games developed by Randori require a regular rock climbing wall, a projector, and a laptop connected to Randori's cloud-based platform. Watch the video below to see how one of the games works. In the game, teams have 4 minutes to score as many points as they can by hitting dots on the wall.