RespondWell Teams up with Sensoria for Wearable Rehabilitative Patient Monitoring

RespondWell and Sensoria announced a collaboration on the next generation of wearable rehabilitative patient monitoring technology at the 2015 International CES.
RespondWell and Sensoria announced a joint project to develop the next generation of wearable patient monitoring technology at the 2015 International CES, held in Las Vegas, Nevada in January. The two companies are working together to create rehabilitation solutions using Sensoria's wearable textile sensing technology and RespondWell's rehabilitation platform.
The new solution will enable physical therapy patients to do their prescribed gait and balance exercises using the RespondWell platform , while Sensoria's innovative smart sock technology will allow them to receive instant reliable feedback on their performance. The smart socks use textile pressure sensors and monitor wearers' foot-landing technique as they run, as well as a range of other parameters, including repetitions, steps and balance. The socks also provide wearers with real-time feedback on when they are striking with the heel or the ball of their foot.
Gait exercises are known to help seniors improve their gait functions and dynamic balance. The integrated rehabilitation solution will challenge patients to imitate the movements shown on-screen, giving them simple, visual instructions for every exercise, and providing them with data that can also be accessed remotely and analysed by their therapists and other medical professionals.
"By using the Sensoria Sock we become part of the patient's daily workflow, which means more data collected on patient health status, " said John Grispon, RespondWell CEO. "Patients using our assessment and physical therapy solution can benefit from the dynamic feedback provided by the Sensoria sock and anklet. The Sensoria Developer Kit offers healthcare developers truly wearable devices to build seamless solutions for telehealth and gait monitoring."
Davide Vigano, Sensoria Co-Founder and CEO, added, "Sensoria is two things: a development platform and an integrated suite of smart garments that can turn gait and activity analytics into meaningful behavioral feedback."
The RespondWell platform, which was developed to improve patients' experience and adherence in rehabilitation using challenges, rewards and video gaming technology, currently offers senior fitness, pre-diabetic, pulmonary and fall prevention programs. In the future, the platform may also use Sensoria's wearables to offer modules for stroke rehabilitation, disease management, sports rehabilitation and general wellness.
Sensoria is a leader in wearable solutions that use a proprietary e-textile sensor platform to provide actionable data in real time. The company is based in Redmond, Washington.