The Quick Board in Physical Therapy

The Quick Board is a training and assessment system used in sports medicine and rehabilitation to test, diagnose, and treat athletes and patients.
The Quick Board is an advanced diagnostic and training system used by sports medicine and rehabilitation professionals across the world. The system comes with versatile software which is fully customizable and can be used to assess and train strength, reaction time, speed, balance, proprioception, coordination, and mobility in patients and athletes.
The Quick Board provides physical and neurological training to improve functional performance in athletes, and engages them by delivering real-time feedback as they perform the exercises. Receiving objective data about progress and improvement restores their confidence, which is just as important as physical rehabilitation.
The device also captures the data necessary to monitor users’ progress in training and can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of various therapy and rehabilitation programs. In rehabilitation, the Quick Board helps restore the communication between the patient’s brain and injured body part and implements progressive protocols that can speed up the patient’s recovery process and shorten the rehabilitation period. The user-friendly interface allows therapists to gather reliable data to monitor repetitions and progress and to get a better insight into the effectiveness of any given treatment.
The Quick Board has a broad range of applications in rehabilitation facilities and can help with impairments resulting from stroke, injury, hobby, or employment. What sets the device apart from traditional rehabilitation methods is that it neurologically rehabilitates the patient in the truest sense of the word. It doesn’t simply strengthen the injury, but restores the pre-injury communication to the injured extremity. This is critical in sports, as athletes can suffer from a neurological deficit even after completing a therapy program, which increases the risk of re-injury.
To see how the system is used in rehabilitation, watch the video.