Rolocule Games Launches Dance Party for iPhone

Rolocule Games has announced the release of Dance Party for the iPhone and iPod Touch. The dance game can now be played on Apple TV.
Award winning mobile entertainment company Rolocule Games today announced the launch of Dance Party for the iPhone and iPod Touch. The dance game is now available as a free download from the Apple App Store for users worldwide. The game requires iOS 6.0 or later, and can be played on the iPhone 4S, 5, 5C, 5S, and the iPod Touch (5th generation).
Dance Party is a multiplayer rhythm game powered by rolomotion™, an award winning motion sensing technology for mobile devices that lets users player mobile games on their PC, Mac and HD TV screens using their smartphones and AirPlay Mirroring. It is a fun choice for parties with friends and family game nights, and a good way to maintain a healthy lifestyle for those who like to dance. Dance Party asks players to use natural motion gestures and mimic the choreography of onscreen dancers while the rolomotion™ technology tracks their iOS devices' movements and gives them feedback as they dance.
The new release lets users play Dance Party on Apple TV, providing them with an experience similar to the one they would get with Playstation Move or Wii. However, unlike the two gaming consoles, which usually only allow a limited number of players to dance simultaneously, Dance Party lets multiple players connect their iOS devices using Wi-Fi or Bluetooth, and dance together at the same time.
Players get personal stats such as calories burned displayed on their smartphone and, unlike standalone motion controllers used with consoles, which only detect movements and gestures, the personal stats delivered by Dance Party stay on the players' mobile devices.
Dance Party also has the turn based multiplayer option for local dance tournaments, blind mode for advanced players, online dance offs, and single player mode for users to just dance. The game tracks the users' calorie expenditure per dance session by day, week, and month and, with the impending integration of HealthKit in iOS 8, the dance game will be easy to incorporate into users' daily workout sessions.
Dance Party is streamed to HD TV screens using AirPlay mirroring. Compared to Rolocule's first rolomotion™ powered game, Motion Tennis, Dance Party provides a much better mirroring performance, with less mirroring lag. The performance will likely get even better after Apple's recent announcement about iOS 8 supporting Peer-to-Peer Airplay Mirroring. The game can be played on Apple TV or on PC and Mac computers using third-party AirPlay software like Airserver or Reflector.
“Mobile games are an isolated experience in our living rooms today,” said Rohit Gupta, CEO of Rolocule Games. “Dance Party provides an opportunity for everybody to have fun together as a group using their smartphones without the need to buy any additional gaming hardware or console. Dance Party promises to bring the most accurate motion tracking as well as most immersive fun dance experience on iPhone.”